
Bogotá Headquarters

Calle 93 #16-46 oficina 404 edificio Zenn Office PH
(+57) 333 602 5603



Calle Conde de peñalver, 45, entre planta oficina 2, 28006, Madrid
(+34) 669987681



1000 Brickell Av, PMB 5137
(+1) 305 5177679


Mexico DF

Av. Rio Misisipi 49 Int. 1402, Cuauhtémoc
(+52) 55 4164 9129


City of Panama

Calle 50, edificio, torre BMW, San Francisco
(+507) 6288 0611

Non-discrimination seal

In an increasingly diverse and equality-conscious world, Q-Vision Technologies achieves the prestigious non-discrimination seal.

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Q-Vision Technologies obtains the prestigious non-discrimination seal
In an increasingly diverse world, conscious of the importance of equal rights and opportunities, companies have the responsibility to create inclusive and discrimination-free work environments.
The non-discrimination seal

This seal, granted by the Ministry of Interior of Colombia and the Colombian Institute of Technical Standards and Certification (ICONTEC), establishes the requirements and guidelines that an organization must meet to prevent and contribute to the elimination of any type and form of discrimination, directly and indirectly, based on ethnicity, color, national origin, family or social background, language, religion, political opinion, philosophical belief, including affiliation with a political party or movement, economic status, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, health status, disability, physical appearance, or any other social condition or situation.


We are proud to announce that at Q-Vision Technologies, we have been recognized for our commitment to these values and have received from the Ministry of Interior and ICONTEC the prestigious Non-Discrimination Seal, which certifies all companies or organizations demonstrating their commitment to promoting and respecting human rights.

This seal was granted with an 85.4% compliance in the prevention and contribution to the elimination of any type and form of discrimination in our activities. The programs highlighted for the granting of the seal were:

  • QV-Te Escucha: A program within the People - Wellness area that addresses the psychosocial risk of employees.
  • Diverse Hiring: Through which talent is prioritized over ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, marital status, or any social situation.
  • Management of Diversity in Advertising and Company Promotion: Including our #DiverseTalent campaign, which aims to reflect the diversity of the company's human talent.